Welcome to the Trailer Central/Operate Beyond CRM Training Part 3! In this video, we will go over the different features that are available for you in the CRM system and how to utilize them.
At first glance, you can see here that the CRM is divided into 8 different sections:
- Interactions
- Tasks
- View Leads
- Bulk Upload
- Campaigns
- CRM Reports
- Daily Digest
- Settings
In this training, we will review:
The CRM Reports
The Daily Digest
And the Settings
In the CRM Reports tab, you will be able to view different metrics at a glance:
Gross Volume
Detailed Analytics
Lead by Type
Lead by Status
In this page, you will also be able to save those reports as well as filter them by date.
You will also find reports under Sales and Product Insight. You will notice that you will have the same date filter as well as the saving feature.
Lastly, if you are a TrailerTrader user, you will be able to take advantage of the same featured under the TrailerTrader dashboard.
Moving forward, there is also a Daily Digest tab. The system will send a list of leads that are due or past due of being contacted to those who have their email addresses in the system. Under the table, you will be able to track who received those emails, and whether they were opened or not.
Under Select Recipients, you can choose who will receive those emails. By leaving the field empty, you are telling the system that you would like all CRM users to receive those emails.
Under Select Location, if you have more than one location, you can choose which location will receive those emails. By leaving the field empty, the system will understand that all locations should receive emails.
Moving forward, we have the Settings, which you can access by clicking on the three dots icon and clicking on the Settings icon.
The first feature you will see in this page is the Salespeople Configuration. There, you will be able to determine how the leads will get separated. As an example, if you determine that Salesperson A should only receive Financing leads, simply click on Financing, and the system will make it so that the Financing leads will be filtered that way. If there is a Salesperson that should receive all leads, simply leave all fields blank, and the system will understand that all leads should go to them regardless of the category.
To add a new salesperson, click on Add Salesperson and fill out the form that will populate.
First, choose whether the person selected will be a CRM user or an Admin. This will determine how much visibility your team members will have. An Admin will have way more visibility to the system. They will be able to view the configurations page, for example, as well as view all your team members’ leads (opposed to a user who can only see their own). Then, add which types of leads they should be responsible for.
In the signature, please add what their signature will be when responding to customers. If there is more than one location, select which location the team member is a part of. Under email, choose what kind of email the team member uses (Gmail, Office 365, and so fourth). Once selected, it will prompt you to log in. Please make sure that you are using the team member’s login. Finally, click on Save to save the team member information.
Under email notifications, you will be able to determine what kind of notification you would like your team to receive:
- Salespeople to be notified when they receive a new lead
- Salespeople to be notified when the lead is almost past due
- Salespeople to be notified when their lead is past due
As you scroll down, please don’t forget to add your time zone under the time zone setting. To the left of time zone setting, you can also add an email signature. Save, and your email signature will show up every time you send an email through the CRM.
This is the end of the CRM Training Part 3. Thank you for choosing TrailerCentral/OperateBeyond and let us know if you have any questions!
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