Stock #
Your stock number is your unique identifier for each trailer. It can be any combination of letters and numbers and may contain dashes, spaces, or other characters.
Valid column titles:
- stock
- stock #
- stock nr
- stock number
The title is usually a combination of Year, Manufacturer, Model Name and Category. You may specify your own title but we suggest you stick with the suggested title structure so people and search engines will be able to find it more easily.
Example: 2005 Sundowner 8010 Sunrise Horse Trailer
Valid column titles:
- title
The year the inventory item was built. Enter the full year, not just the last two digits.
Example: 2011
Valid column titles:
- year
This is the name of the manufacturer that built the inventory item. Please make sure you spell the name of the manufacturer correctly.
Valid column titles:
- manufacturer
- make
This is the model name of the inventory item.
Valid column titles:
- model
This is the price you are asking for this inventory item. Only numbers and decimal points are allowed. You may also prefix the price with a dollar sign ($). Thousand separators (,) will be stripped.
Example: 2567.95 or $14,500.00
Valid column titles:
- price
- selling price
The condition is the current condition of the inventory item. You can specify 2 states. New for new (unused) trailers or Used for used trailers.
- New
- Used
Valid column titles:
- condition
The description contains a detailed description of your inventory item. It should contain any information about the inventory item that is not specified in any other field.
Description is the only field that may contain line break/new lines. Some spreadsheet applications support new lines (CR/LF characters) within quoted CSV. If you have problems with this, you may optionally also use the literal characters '\n' which will be interpreted as a newline.
Refer to the example csv for a demonstration of all three examples.
Valid column titles:
- description
- desc
- info
This is where you can specify one of your locations you set up under "Locations". The location is used to specify the address where your inventory item is located as well as contact information for your trailer. You may use the phone number assigned to the location. If we cannot determine the location, your default location will be used instead.
Valid column titles:
- location
- location phone
The VIN is a required vehicle identifier. Each roadworthy vehicle must have a VIN. If you know the VIN of your trailer, you may enter it. The VIN must be of the correct format.
Valid column titles:
- vin
Length, Width & Height
This is the total length, width, or height of the inventory item in feet (ft) or inches (in).
Within TrailerCentral, you may have units display as "feet" or "inches". For example 7.5'
vs 90 inches
. To specify you would like a unit to display in "inches", then specify the length, width or height in inches.
Specifying a raw number such as 20
, 20.00
, or 20.5
will always result in a "feet" interpretation.
To display in feet examples:
20" 6'
20ft 6in
(for20' 6"
)20.5 ft
/20.5 feet
/20.5 foot
To display in inches examples:
- 20.5" (interprets as
1.71 ft
, but will be displayed as 20 inches) 246 in
/246 inch
/246 inches
Length valid column titles:
- floor length
- length
- length (ft)
- length ft
Width valid column titles:
- width
- width (ft)
- width ft
Height valid column titles:
- height
- height (ft)
- height ft
Weight, GVWR, Axle Capacity, & Payload Capacity
This is the curb weight, gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR), and axle capacity of the inventory item in pounds (lbs). Examples: '2000lbs, 2000'
Weight valid column titles:
- weight
- weight (lbs)
- weight lbs
- curb weight
GVWR valid column titles:
- gvwr
- gvwr (lbs)
- gvwr lbs
- gross weight
Axle Capacity valid column titles:
- axle capacity
- axle (lbs)
- axle lbs
Payload Capacity valid column titles:
- payload capacity
- payload (lbs)
- payload lbs
The status of the inventory item. It can be one of the following. These values are case-insensitive.
- Available
- Sold
- On Order
- Pending Sale
- Special Order
Valid column titles:
- status
Show on Website:
Whether or not this unit should be visible on your website (if applicable).
- Yes
- No
Valid column titles:
- Show on Website
- Website Visible
# of Axles
The number of axles on the inventory item. It can be one of the following, or blank. Applicable only to Trailers and Horse Trailers. If you specify a quantity greater than 3, the option '3 or more' will be selected for you.
- 1
- 2
- 3 or more
Valid column titles:
- axles
The construction material of the inventory item. It can be one of the following, or blank. Applicable only to Trailers and Horse Trailers. These values are case-insensitive.
- Aluminum
- Steel Frame Aluminum
- Composite
- Steel
- Galvanized
Valid column titles:
- construction
- frame
Pull Type
The pull type is the hitch mechanism of the inventory item. It can be one of the following, or blank. Applicable only to Trailers and Horse Trailers. These values are case-insensitive.
- Bumper
- Fifth Wheel
- Gooseneck
- Pintle
- Semi-Tractor Hookup
Valid column titles:
- pull type
- hitch
- hitch type
Whether or not the inventory item has ramps. It can be one of the following, or blank. Applicable only to Trailers and Horse Trailers.
- Yes
- No
Valid column titles:
- ramps
Living Quarters
Whether or not the inventory item has living quarters. Applicable only to Trailers and Horse Trailers.
- Yes
- No
Valid column titles:
- living quarters
- lq
# of Stalls
Number of stalls the inventory item has within. Applicable only to horse trailers (
- Any number between 0-12
Valid column titles:
- stalls
Configuration or load type of the inventory item. It can be one of the following, or blank. Applicable only to horse trailers (
category). These values are case-insensitive.
- Slant
- Straight
- Head to Head
- Reverse Slant
Valid column titles:
- configuration
- load type
Whether or not the inventory item has a manger. Applicable only to horse trailers (
- Yes
- No
Valid column titles:
- manger
Whether or not the inventory item has midtack. Applicable only to horse trailers (
- Yes
- No
Valid column titles:
- midtack
Number of Slideouts
Applicable only to horse trailers (
Number of slideouts.
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4+
Valid column titles:
- slideouts
Shortwall Length
Shortwall length. This value is not interpreted the same as length, width, and height, and any value may be entered and will be displayed as-is. Applicable only to horse trailers (
- Any value
Valid column titles:
- shortwall length
Type of Nose for the Inventory Item
Applicable to any trailer.*
category, except horse trailers.
Type of Nose
- V Front
- V Front w Ramp
- Flat
- Round
Valid column titles:
- nose type
Type of Roof for the Inventory Item
Applicable to any trailer.*
category, except horse trailers.
Type of Roof
- Round
- Flat
Valid column titles:
- roof type
Color of the inventory item.
- Aluminum
- Beige
- Bronze
- Black
- Blue
- Brown
- Burgundy
- Champagne
- Charcoal
- Gold
- Gray
- Green
- Matte Black
- Metallic Gray
- Natural
- Orange
- Pewter
- Pink
- Purple
- Red
- Silver
- Tan
- Two Tone
- White
- Yellow
- Light Blue Metallic
- Royal Red Metallic
- Chestnut Metallic
- Ingot Silver Metallic
- Dark Blue Metallic
- Sterling Gray Metallic
- Birch
Valid column titles:
- color
Sleeping Capacity
How many the unit will sleep.
- 1, 2, 3... up to 11, then 12+ for 12 or more
Valid column titles:
- sleeping capacity
- sleeps
Air Conditioners
Number of air conditioners within the unit.
- 1
- 2
- 3+
Valid column titles:
- air conditioners
Fuel Type
Type of fuel. Applicable only to vehicles and golf carts.
- Gas
- Electric
- Diesel
- FlexFuel
Valid column titles:
- fuel type
Is Rental
Whether or not the inventory item is a rental. Applicable to all trailers (including horse trailers), and equipment.
- Yes
- No
Valid column titles:
- is rental
Number of Batteries
Number of individual batteries (NOT voltage). Mainly applicable to golf carts, but will work with any sports vehicles.
- 1
- 2
- 3 or more
Valid column titles:
- number batteries
- #batteries
- batteries
Number of Passengers
Number of passengers in sports vehicles. Applicable only to sports vehicles.
- 2
- 4
- 6
Valid column titles:
- # of passengers
- # passengers
Horsepower, Tires, & Mileage
Horsepower, tire type, and mileage for vehicles/golf carts. Enter values that make sense, such as "300hp", "275/55 R 15" and "150000"
Horsepower and tires are only applicable for sports vehicles. Mileage is only applicable for RVs, sports vehicles, and vehicles.
- No validation is performed. Enter values that make sense to display.
Valid column titles:
- horsepower / hp
- tires / tire type
- mileage
Cost of Unit, Shipping, Prep, Total Cost, & Min. Sell Price
Various costs of inventory item, as well as the minimum selling price. These administrative fields are not exported or shown to the public. They are only available for you to view from your administrative dashboard.
Only numbers and decimal points are allowed. You may also prefix the number with a dollar sign ($). Thousand separators (,) will be stripped.
Example: 2567.95 or $14,500.00
Cost of Unit valid column titles:
- cost of unit
- unit cost
Cost of Shipping valid column titles:
- cost of shipping
- shipping cost
Cost of Prep valid column titles:
- cost of prep
- prep cost
Total Cost valid column titles:
- total cost
Minimum Selling Price valid column titles:
- msp
- min sell price
- minimum selling price
In addition to the above valid column titles, most of the above column titles can be prefixed with 'admin-'. For example, 'admin-cost of shipping' instead of simply 'cost of shipping'. This can be seen, for example, in inventory CSV exports.
Notes for inventory item. If you wish to add a line break, you may use the special codes '\n '
Valid column titles:
- notes
Is On Special & Is Featured
Whether or not the inventory item is on special or featured. This will affect how the item is displayed on your website, if applicable. It has no effects on integrations, or otherwise. It can be one of the following, or blank.
- Yes
- No
Is on Special
Valid column titles:
- is special
- is on special
- website special
Is Featured
Valid column titles:
- is featured
- website featured
Any questions regarding how to add or update inventory, please click here to view Trailer Central videos, please click here to view TrailerTrader videos, or please click here to view OperateBeyond videos.
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